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Partitioned Persona 1Partitioned Persona 1 (DetailPartitioned Persona 1 (Detail)Partitioned Persona 1 (Detail)Partitioned Persona 2Partitioned Persona 2 (Detail)Partitioned Persona 2 (Detail)Partitioned Persona 2 (Detail)
I’ve long been interested in the concept of the persona. The development, expression and alteration of this uniquely human facade encompasses an integral part of human interaction. This series of paintings is an investigation into the persona through the vivisection of my own unique affectations.

The process of creating these paintings is the act of objective evaluation on the differing aspects of each of my individual idiosyncrasies. As the creator of these paintings, I become the architect of my own persona as it is perceived by others. Through intense deconstruction and reconstruction of small facets to my persona, I have been able to reduce aspects to universally understood imagery. Using familiar tropes such as still life and portraiture, I effectively initiate superficial communication with my audience. Juxtaposing these collective symbols with personally iconic imagery allows for a deeper level of elucidation into my character. The completed painting ceases to be a window and now functions as an object that effectively represents the simulacra of my own fractured and variable persona.

Series c. 2007